(Unless you have a accessory on your head. It is very powerful but will drain your Ki slowly and will also turn your hair blue. Where he will give u the SSGSS awoken skill. (You can see his bar fill up by going to Play Data and to characters and it should be to the right of his name.)Īfter filling up his friendship bar talk to him where he is near the school. Do parallel and story quest only using him as your partners. Once you have done that you have to talk to Whis and do his advancement test, after doing that make him your instructor. You also have to do the missions in his area to talk to him. To get this form you have to reach level 90 by getting all of the Time Eggs and talking to Guru. The newest form and the latest update for the Saiyan race is SSGSS or Super Saiyan Blue. To get this stronger, faster form you need to complete all the faction missions on Frieza's Spaceship. The all powerful Golden form used by Lord Frieza can only be used by Freiza's species. It's anywhere between two and six children. There is no set amount of children needed. To get this form, you need to feed Majin Buu enough at Majin Buu's House until he makes a few children. Xenoverse 2 is the fourth Dragon Ball video game to feature character customization, and allows players to choose from five races: Humans, Saiyans, Majins.

HOWEVER All Parallel Quests have to be RE-UNLOCK and Ranks dont share between them. You only share Skills, Clothing, and Items youve obtained for ALL CaC to use. You'll be stronger, faster, and more deadly than before. So let me get this straight with making new characters. Turn into something like Kid Buu by getting this skill.